Craig Dearden-Phillips

COACHING: fulfilling a dream

Successful social entrepreneur, Craig Dearden-Phillips, had long harboured the dream of writing a business book. He wasn’t a bad writer, but found the prospect of 60,000 words pretty daunting. On top of this, he believed that his written style ‘didn’t sound like the real me’.
Ideal Worldsmiths coached Craig through the process of writing the next chapters, making the book as a whole really connect with its audience. Your Chance to Change the World – the no-fibbing guide to social entrepreneurship was launched at the House of Commons in April 2008. Craig now writes regularly for the Guardian and is actually in demand as a business writer.
What Ideal did was to help me find my voice as a writer, help me gain the confidence I needed to do my best work. I can honestly say that without Ideal I am not sure my book would ever have got to where it is today – a business bestseller.
Craig Dearden-Phillips, Social Entrepreneur and Chief Executive, Stepping Out